43Food & Drink56Shops & Stalls145Events7Days a weekAll tagged with “Vegan”FilterFilter by CategoryFilter By:AllFood & DrinkShops & StallsEventsJournalJournalThe Vegan Street Food RevolutionWhether you are plant-based for life or toying with Veganuary, it's a great time to explore the wide range of vegan street food the Market has to offer.Journal5 Cult Beauty Products You Can’t Live WithoutWe spoke to the experts at Deciem to uncover this season’s most covetable beauty products for healthy and flawless Instagram-worthy skin. Food & DrinkMerkamo EthiopianHomemade vegan & vegetarian dishes with an Ethiopian twist.Journal5 Cult Beauty Products You Can’t Live WithoutWe spoke to the experts at Deciem to uncover this season’s most covetable beauty products for healthy and flawless Instagram-worthy skin. Food & DrinkMerkamo EthiopianHomemade vegan & vegetarian dishes with an Ethiopian twist.