43Food & Drink56Shops & Stalls145Events7Days a weekFood and DrinkFilterSort & Filter The KitchensSort By:NoneA-ZFilter By:AllFood and Beverage StallsRestaurantsThe KitchensDumpling ShackChinese street foodFen NoodlesAn exciting new hand-pulled noodle bar from the team behind Dumpling Shack.Le BabThe best kebab in town. Indi-go RasoiLondon’s go-to Indian street food experience reinvents itself in The Kitchens.IThaiBringing South East Asian flavours to the Central Kitchens. Yum BunHandmade steamed bunsPleasant LadyServing Jian Bing, fragrant, savoury crepe pancakes, China's favourite street food dish Fen NoodlesAn exciting new hand-pulled noodle bar from the team behind Dumpling Shack.Indi-go RasoiLondon’s go-to Indian street food experience reinvents itself in The Kitchens.Yum BunHandmade steamed bunsLe BabThe best kebab in town. IThaiBringing South East Asian flavours to the Central Kitchens. Pleasant LadyServing Jian Bing, fragrant, savoury crepe pancakes, China's favourite street food dish Kushi LondonJapanese curry boxes & yakitori RicebrotherAuthentic Chinese recipes, delivered in perfect colourful packages. Rice up your life!RicebrotherAuthentic Chinese recipes, delivered in perfect colourful packages. Rice up your life!