42Food & Drink56Shops & Stalls38Events7Days a weekFood and DrinkFilterSort & Filter RestaurantsSort By:NoneA-ZFilter By:AllFood and Beverage StallsRestaurantsThe KitchensThe Real GreekA taste of Greece in the heart of Old Spitalfields Market.doh’hutHandmade donuts Poke HouseAhi Poke begins a journey to California returning as Poke House. Funky CellarCheese Shop, Delicatessen, Vintage Goods & Wine CellarPerry’sA small scale, family run butchersBOTTLESA little corner of Italy in E1.GAIL’s BakeryEveryone's favourite baked goods at the heart of Old Spitalfields Market.doh’hutHandmade donuts Funky CellarCheese Shop, Delicatessen, Vintage Goods & Wine CellarBOTTLESA little corner of Italy in E1.Poke HouseAhi Poke begins a journey to California returning as Poke House. Perry’sA small scale, family run butchersGAIL’s BakeryEveryone's favourite baked goods at the heart of Old Spitalfields Market.The LoftArtisan Pizza, Beer & Cocktails Merchant & WeaverCraft beers, bespoke cocktails and seasonal sharing plates. Merchant & WeaverCraft beers, bespoke cocktails and seasonal sharing plates.