43Food & Drink56Shops & Stalls145Events7Days a weekEventsFilterFilter by JanuaryFilter By:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneWed 15 Jan10am - 6pm —Urban Makers at Old Spitalfields MarketShowcasing the very best of London's Independent makers - visit for home-grown creative talent and hand made products.Thu 16 Jan8am – 5pm—Antiques MarketA community of antiques specialists and dealers who bring the best of their vintage stock to the market each week. 10am – 5pm—Vinyl MarketThe best market in the South for rare and collectable vintage vinyl, as well as some of the new stuff. Wed 22 Jan10am - 6pm —Urban Makers at Old Spitalfields MarketShowcasing the very best of London's Independent makers - visit for home-grown creative talent and hand made products.Thu 23 Jan8am – 5pm—Antiques MarketA community of antiques specialists and dealers who bring the best of their vintage stock to the market each week. Sat 25 Jan10am - 6pm —Urban Makers at Old Spitalfields MarketShowcasing the very best of London's Independent makers - visit for home-grown creative talent and hand made products.Sun 26 Jan10am - 6pm —Urban Makers at Old Spitalfields MarketShowcasing the very best of London's Independent makers - visit for home-grown creative talent and hand made products.123...21